flintloque-logo-304x90"Legion of the Doomed - Reloaded"

A Flintloque Scenario by Andrew Davey
(Converted to Flintloque Reloaded by Craig Andrews)


We catch up again with The Old Man and his section of criminals deep behind the lines of the Star Wraith in this Flintloque Reloaded for two players from the Flintloque Archives.


"Winters were cold, but winters in the Witchlands were unbearable. Every day and every night, especially the nights, would turn into a survival battle that only the fittest and strongest of mental health would survive."

Taken from the memoirs of Captain Jacque Le'Gash,who died at Czarlingrad, a hero's death.


The first signs of movement on the road came just after midday. The distinct sound of un-oiled wheel bearings twisting in agony with their eerie foreboding squeals could be heard at first at a distance, but slowly, very slowly they came into view. As the wagons passed the Old Man gave the signal to attack. The crescendo of noise that met the midday peace was shattering. It had seemed as if from nowhere a hail of lead, of catastrophic destruction had been unleashed from the Gates of Hades itself.

The Undead patrol, taken completely by surprise, lay dead and dying everywhere, bleeding where the once stood, emptying their life essence to nature's savage fury. Porta turned to Tiny, who was standing next to the corporal hopping from one foot to the other, grinning from ear to ear, anticipating his corporal's consent to help themselves to the Deads' plunder if any.

"Go ahead, take vot you vant, but leave their teeth for me." Porta said, rubbing his hands together, not only to help relieve some of the numbing pain from the bitter cold of this frozen hell, but also at the thought of finding more gold teeth to add to his grizzly collection. Gold gets you what you want and tonight if they made it back to base, Porta was going to get blind drunk on ale and grab a little female company to boot...

On a large pile of baggage, the Old Man sat quietly. He seemed to be in deep thought. A small cloud of tobacco smoke drifted up from his trusty clay pipe, as he puffed on it gently, shaking his head with disapproval at the scene unfolding before him. His troops, his band of unholy, unkempt and unthinkable killing machines were good at their job, but sometimes, just sometimes, it would be just as easy to kill the enemy and go home...

Map and Setup

Flintloque - Legion of the Doomed Map

The Finklestein squad attacks from dense woodland with a layer of light snow on the ground. (Movement modifiers as page 93 of the Flintloque Reloaded rulebook).

The Undead wagons (ranging from 3 to 5 wagons) travel along the road from left to right and start at the edge of the road. The road is covered in heavy snow making the conditions tough. (Movement modifiers are found on page 93 of the Flintloque Reloaded rulesbook).

Scenario Objectives

Here are the objectives for each force in the Scenario:

The Old Man's Section

The Old Man's orders had been made perfectly clear. He was to take an elite squad of expendable rogues deep into enemy held territory, to attack and destroy a well-protected wagon train carrying ammunition and supplies. The supply route was to be found ten miles behind the front line and yet again the 27eme Penal Regiment's skills would be put to the test.

"Simplicity is ze key to victory Joseph," the Old Man said to his corporal. Joseph Porta turned to his sergeant knowingly "Vot do you have in mind?"

"Ve vill attack in two small groups. I vill take the Legionnaire, Gregor, Bauer and Heide and ve vill destroy the last vagon blocking ze enemy's retreat, whilst you vill attack ze front vagon with Tiny, Barcelona , Sven and Muller. Destroying zis vill block the enemy's advance."

Porta thought for a minute and agreed.

Scooby Doom's Section

Some would think this patrol route to be a waste of time, resources and your attentions. However, you know what is in those wagons and what it could mean for the Star Wraith. They must be delivered...

Game Length

This game scenario ends automatically upon the completion of the objective of either force in the game.

Victory Conditions

The Finkelstein player acheives Total victory if all wagons destroyed and a Partial victory if half of the wagon train is destroyed and enemy Vampyre Officer is killed or captured. The Undead win a Total victory if the attack is repelled and wagons exit the end of the road (edge of table) and a Partial victory if only half the wagons escape and at least four of the attackers are killed.

Scenario Forces

Die Schmutzigen Acht, 27th Penal Regiment

The Old Man [Elite Veteran Dwarf]
31 Points
Dwarven Musket Mk II

Corporal Porta [Elite Experinced Dwarf]
76 Points
Grenade Launching Carbine
6 Elf 'Fyre' Grenades

Tiny [Elite Average Ogre]
39 Points
Kannonderbus (Ogre)

The Legionairre [Elite Experienced Othari]
24 Points
Othari Musket, Large Killing Knife (+1)

Barcelona [Elite Average Dark Elf]
19 Points
Standard Musket
Magical Ability (2)

Gregor Martin [Elite Average Dog]
24 Points
Standard Musket

Heide [Elite Raw Dwarf]
16 Points
Dwarven Musket Mk II
Merit: Motivated (Loyal)
After being saved from near certain death by the Old Man, Heide does not want to let him down.

Bauer [Elite Raw Dwarf]
19 Points
Dwarven Musket Mk II

Sven [Elite Raw Ferach Elf]
  19 Points
Elf (Ferach) Musket

Muller [Elite Average Dwarf]
30 Points
Dwarf Musket MkII, Two Standard Pistols, Cheese Wire (+1)

Total Force: 5 Dwarves, 1 Ogre, 1 Othari, 1 Dark Elf, 1 Ferach Elf, 1 Dog and 297 Points.

Scooby Doom's Wagon Train

Scooby Doom [Experienced Vampyre Dog]
44 Points
Two Pistols, Sword (+2)
Magical Ability (2)

Sergeant Bone'oski [Worn Zombie]
21 Points
Standard Musket, Sword (+2)
Six Wounds

Odin [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Dva [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Tri [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Chetyre [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Pyat' [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Shest' [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Sem' [Fresh Zombie Dog]
18 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Vosem' [Worn Zombie Dog]
16 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Devyat' [Worn Zombie Dog]
16 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Desyat' [Worn Zombie Dog]
16 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Odinnadtsat' [Worn Zombie Dog]
16 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Dvenadtsat' [Worn Zombie Dog]
16 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Trinadtsat' [Worn Zombie Dog]
16 Points
Standard Musket, Bayonet (0)

Gawnsh Chek [Fresh Zombie Dog]
14 Points
Standard Musket

Sha Fyore [Fresh Zombie Dog]
14 Points
Standard Musket

Va Dee Yel [Fresh Zombie Dog]
14 Points
Standard Musket

Total force: 1 Vampyre Dog and 17 Zombie Dogs and 311 Points (although the rolling for wounds could potentially increase this by up to 85 points)

Scenario Special Rules

Adding more variety to a standard battle this scenario uses the follow quirky and unique special rules.

Dead and Buried: This is the second scenario featuring The Old Man and his penal section. If playing as part of a mini campaign following on from Butz Freeze then any characters who died in that sceanrio should not be used. Instead you may bring in reinforcements on a one for one basis. The reinforcement is Elite and Raw and the following race 1 - Bog Orc, 2 - Dark Elf, 3 - Dog, 4 - Ferach Elf, 5 - Orc, 6 - Ogre. They are armed with a standard musket.

Finder's Keepers: If playing this scenario as part of a campaign any miniatures may spend one turn searching a deceased character (friend or foe) and take thier equipment.

Merit: Motivated (x): A character with this merit truly believes he is here to serve for the reason listed. They get a +1 modifier on any morale check.

Magical Ability (1): A character with this skill should roll for the number shown of magical abilities as per Alternative Armies supplement "Optional Rules for Magicke in Flintloque" which can be found in the files section of Alternative Armies Notables Yahoo group.

Variable Undead Wounds: All undead should have thier wounds rolled for before the game starts with 1D6.


Webmaster's Notes

"Legion of the Damned" was originally published by Alternative Armies in thier Loque and Load magazine, Volume 4, Issue 3 (published in Autumn 2002) and first appeared in the "Reloaded" form above on the 13th December 2007 as part of the 2007 Advent Calendar.

Back in 2007 as part of prepping this for inclusion in the 2007 Advent Calendar I added to the original text and made slight changes to the scenario in order to match Alternative Armies (then current) Flintloque Reloaded scenario format.

It was absent for several years due to a prior regeneration of the website not transferring everything over correctly, the wrong has now been righted and it returned on the 11th November 2019 as part of Orcs in the Webbe's ongoing Flintloque Archive Project.

Any comments in maroon in the article above have been added by me either to provide additional information or clarity. I have also made small changes to grammar and layout but have not marked these.

The original unmodified version of this scenario can be found here.