"Regiments of Foote in the Army of Greate Britorcn"
A Flintloque and Slaughterloo Resource by Gavin Syme
Gavin Syme, lead writer for Alternative Armies and head of the World of Valon has put together something Flintloque and Slaughterloo players have been after for some time, a PDF detailing the names, numbers and colours of the foot regiments in the army of Greate Britorcn.
The official PDF is hosted here on OITW, simply click on the PDF icon below to download it, or alternatively you can find the information below.
Number Title Nickname Uniform Facings / Lace Species
Regiments of the Guard
1st Foot Grenadier Guards The Coffers Blue / Gold Orc
2nd Coldsream Guards The Coldscreamers Blue / Gold High Rats
3rd Royul Taffsea The Screamie Greenies Blue / Gold Hob Gob
Regiments of the Line
1st Royul Venerable Jocs Pintus Pullius Bodyguards Purple / Gold High Rats
2nd Queene’s The Corset Lads Blue / Silver Orcs
3rd East Krent The Boffs Fawn / Gold Orcs
4th Kyngs Own The Lion’s Blue / Gold Orcs
5th Norfhungerland Fusillers The Shiners Green / Silver Orcs
6th 1st Wortwakshire Lord G’s Own Dark Yellow / Gold Orcs
7th The Royul Jumble Elegant Extractors Orange / Black Mixed
8th Kyngs Own Leather Heads Blue / Gold Orcs
9th East Orcfuc The Bangers Yellow / Silver Orcs
10th Norf Lincorc The Jelly Bellies Bright Yellow / Silver Orcs
11th Norf Devourn The Tear Weights Green / Gold Orcs
12th East Sufferorc Bessies Boys Red / Gold Orcs
13th Scummerset The Melee Boys Red / Gold Orcs
14th Borcingumshire Roastmores Brown / Black Orcs
15th Yorcshire East Ryders The Strippers Blue / Black Orcs
16th Bledforcshire The Old Bleeders Red / Gold Orcs
17th Licestershire The Nits Dark Yellow / Silver Orcs
18th Royal Guinalean The Blaggards Gold / Silver Bog Orcs
19th Orcshire The Cowherds Brown / Black Orcs
20th East Devourn The Bitter Standers Red / White Orcs
21th Norf Britorcn Fusiliers The Joccie Breeks Yellow / Silver Low Rat
22nd Churshire The Cagers Red / Silver Orcs
23rd Royul Taff Fusiliers The Ompie Lumpies Green / Gold Hob Gob
24th Lord Hobbers Line Hobbers Greenies Green / Silver Hob Gob
25th Kyngs Own Bordurs The Line’s Watchers Blue / Gold Orcs
26th The Cammeronians The Clan Rats Tartan / Gold High Rat
27th Illskinning The Skinners Yellow / Black Bog Orc
28th Norf Gobstershire The Smashers Black / Silver Orc
29th Waargghstershire Hokey’s Lads White / Gold Orc
30th Carnagebrideshire The Three O’s White / Silver Orc
31st Huntemdownshire Little Boffs Fawn / Black Orcs
32nd Corronwalle Coast Takers Blue / Black Orcs
33rd Yorc West Ryders Haversteak Lads Red / Gold Orcs
34th Cullerland Cleaver’s Lads Red / Gold Orcs
35th Suzex The Fruities Green / White Orcs
36th Herorcshire The Runners Red / Gold Orcs
37th Norf Hackshire The Roots Blue / Gold Orcs
38th 1st Stuffedshire The Piggies Pink / Silver Orcs
39th Dorcshire Open Handers Green / Gold Orcs
40th Toof Scumerset The Ciderers Yellow / Gold Orcs
41st Carnavorshire The Jones Yellow / Silver Hob Gob
42nd Royul Highland The Blacke Watchit Tartan / Gold High Rat
43rd Mangemouthshire Light The Fur Rotters Tartan / Silver Low Rats
44th Strathcarnage & Killmore The Furty Fairth Tartan / Gold High Rats
45th Orcringham Snotters Lads Green / Gold Orcs
46th South Devourshire The Red Feet Yellow / Silver Orcs
47th Yankashire The Cauliflowers White / White Orcs
48th Norfhangenshire Torn Ears Yellow / Silver Orcs
49th East Hurtfordshire The Swizzlers Green / Black Orcs
50th West Krent The Dirty Arf Hundred Yellow / Gold Orcs
51st Yorcshire Ryders Light The Yorcie Bars Blue / Yellow Orcs
52nd Orcksfudshire The Slaverers Fawn / Gold Orcs
53rd Shotteshire The Money Silver / Gold Orcs
54th West Norcfolk The Flamers Red / Gold Orcs
55th Westgorelande The Reavers Grey / Silver Mixed
56th West Essux The Stilettos White / Gold Orcs
57th West Muddiesex The Steelejacks Grey / Grey Orcs
58th Riplandshire River Tasters Blue / Gold Orcs
59th 2nd Orcringhamshire The Lilywhytes White / White Orcs
60th Loyal Eastern Valonian Rifles The Exiles Gold / Silver Mixed
61st South Gobstershire Half Pint Handers Yellow / Gold Orcs
62nd Albion Wyltshire The Buttoners Yellow / Gold Orcs
63rd West Sufferorc Powder Burners Yellow / Black Orcs
64th 2nd Stuffedshire The Blacke Knotts Black / Black Orcs
65th Yorc Town The Vikrings Yellow / Gold Orcs
66th South Burkshire One off the Devil Boys Gold / Red Orcs
67th South Mordor The Ringers Yellow / Gold Orcs
68th Durrdham Light Cathedral Lads Grey / Silver Orcs
69th South Lynchonshire The Upside Downers Yellow / Gold Orcs
70th Glasgee Lowland The Afore Ye’s Tartan / Gold Low Rats
71st Highland Light The Quick Rats Tartan / Gold High Rats
72nd Gordon’s ‘Highlanders’ The Wee Guys Tartan / Gold Low Rats
73rd Dumdee Lowland Cover yer Flair’s Yellow / Silver Low Rats
74th Arrghgylshire Highlanders Bonnie Bonnets Tartan / Silver High Rats
76th The Hydrastoow Foot The Inji Lads Yellow / Gold Tiger
77th East Muddiesex The Luckies Green / Black Orcs
78th Highland Boffs The Blotcopies Fawn / Gold High Rats
79th Livergruel Blues The Blue Movers Blue / Blue Orcs
80th Stuffedshire Volunteers The Conned Yellow / Silver Orcs
81st Edinborgh Capital Fellows Green / Gold Low Rats
82nd Prynce of Taffe’s Own Golden Gobs Gold / Gold Hob Gob
83rd The Duke of Hammilton’s The Sponsored Black / Red Low Rats
84th Yorc & Lardcaster Twin Town Boys Red / Blue Orcs
85th Westminnister ‘Dinium Lawyers Yellow / White Orcs
86th Royul County Drown Blight Boggers Yellow / Gold Bog Orc
87th Prynce of Taffs own Guinnies The Stand Asiders Green / Gold Bog Orc
88th Connartist Rangers The Flogged Dark Blue / Yellow Bog Orc
94th The Joccus Brigade The Scrapes Brown / Black Low Rats
97th Queene’s own Krautians The Red Shorts Yellow / Gold Dwarves
99th Tipparory Rumblers The Show me the Way’s White / Gold Bog Orc
100th The Centenerie Morgana’s Finest Sky Blue / Gold Elves
101st Royul Burrovian The Tall Ears Sky Blue / Gold Rabbit
102nd The Newegaters The Thieving Buggers Black / White Orcs
103rd Loyal Hunvarian The High and Mighty Sky Blue / Black Ogres
104th New Brewswick Fencibles The Short Ales Green / Gold Dwarves
105th The Loyal Sharpshooters The Rifles Black / Black Orc
- Chassuers Britorcn The Mongrels Blue / Silver Mixed
- Loyal Skandavian The Big Meenies Red / Gold Trolls
- The Gelato Émigré The Frog Leggers Red / Black Todoroni
- Loyal Lychen Corps The Black Banders Red / Black Werewolf
Webmaster's Notes
This article and the associated PDF were first published here on Orcs in the Webbe on the 13th June 2014.